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Random Patrol - still #1
Random Patrol - still #2
Random Patrol - still #3

Random Patrol

NY Premiere

Director: Yohan Guignard

France, United States, 2021, 30 min

Shooting Format:HD

Festival Year:2022

Category:Documentary Short

WINNER: Best Editing

Crew:Producers: Maud Deschambres, Bastien Ehouzan, Pascal Barneville. Editor: Faustine Cros; Music: Gaspar Claus; Sound: Matthieu Gasnier


Law and order are Matt's duties. Every morning, this US police officer in the suburb of Oklahoma-City takes his car in order to patrol in town. Every morning he is worried about the arrests of the day. Every morning he wonders how much this job changed himself.

About the director

Au cours de ses etudes de cinema, Yohan Guignard realise plusieurs documentaires dans le milieu du rugby rural et amateur. Il realise en 2017 « Adieu la chair ! », un court metrage de fiction qui cloture son exploration des rituels masculins au sein de ce sport. Selectionne dans de nombreux festivals et diffuse sur Arte, Cine + et la Rtbf, le film remporte le grand prix du festival Le court en dit long a Paris en 2018. Avec « Random patrol » (2020) Yohan Guignard continue de sonder les virilites defaillantes a travers le portrait en huis clos d’un policier americain au cours d’une patrouille sans fin dans une petite banlieue d’Oklahoma City. Porte par son desir de sonder des territoires a travers des communautes il filme actuellement des Sœurs cisterciennes dans leur monastere gersois ainsi que des jeunes bergers dans un centre de formation en Provence. Il developpe en parallele « Le film de Rafat », un documentaire qu’il corealise avec un photographe Syrien ayant mis en scene son quotidien lors du siege de la Ghouta Orientale dans la banlieue de Damas.

During his cinema school, Yohan Guignard makes movies about non professionnal and countryside rugby. In 2017, his short movie « Adieu la chair ! », continues to explore male rituals in this sport. Selected in many festivals, it won the grand prize in the Parisian festival Le court en dit long and screen on french television (Arte, Cine +, Rtbf). With « Random Patrol » (2020), Yohan Guignard continues to explore failings virility through the portrait of an american policeman during a non ending patrol in the suburbs of Oklahoma City. Driven by his desire to explore South of France territories through communities, he is now filming Cistercian Sisters in their Monastery and Young sheperds in a center of formation. In the same time he is develloping a documentary with a syrian photographer who documented his life in besieged Eastern Ghouta.

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